Thursday, September 27, 2012

My Little Guitar Player

My little guitar player is the best guy that I have right now (Oh Gosh! How about his father? Well, whoever comes first.) 

He is just like his dad, he makes up songs; he loves to make up songs with his own words and his own tune. Kael makes me so proud because he is the miniature version of his dad who loves to compose songs rather than to go along with the present trending in the world of music. Music is their major commonality and I can say that it's amazing to have musicians in the house and to see a person grow as a musician in his own way.

If I had money, I could have bought him a drum set but unfortunately enough, I cannot buy it yet. He gave me the first sign that he loves to hear music when he was just seven months old - tapping the table in the rhythm to the song that I am listening. That moment, I felt my heart jump because I didn't force it to him. Music just came to him like blood coursing through his veins.

This song came from a game that his so crazy about - Crazy Taxi (My boy pronounces it as: "Kreyzey Taksey"). Let me post the video of the original singer of the song... He sings along with this song which really makes my heart jump. I am the #1 fan of my little boy and I know that someday, he will become just like his dad and will make me proud just as his dad.

Credits to the composer:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Walking Down the Memory Lane

First Meeting in the Coffee Shop
We haven't been talking for almost half a year and it was because I just shut my world from you. I know... It was a useless quarrel and I know that it was unfair for your part to be shut down like that. At that time, I cannot tell you the reason why I was shutting you down from my life which I realized was a very wrong decision. Just because I don't want to sound like a meddling person who knows you so much, I tried to shut down myself from you. Sorry for that... Sorry to you my bestfriend whom I have shared some great milestones in my life and have shared both our ups and downs together.

We met as churchmates and has been friends since then. I did not regret that you and I became friends because we stick and got stuck together like glue. Although there were certain moments in our lives that we both got busy with the choices that we had in our lives which I do not wish to mention anymore. Let's put it as past is past and let bygones be bygones.

We both saw ourselves from being immature to slightly matured person that we are right now. We have shared our own grievances and grave misfortunes and had each other back to back. Although, there were times that we cannot be able to stand each other's attitude and tend to look for other friends instead. But for me, nothing beats you. You know me and I know you. 

The situation has changed and the condition of the lives we are is totally different from the way we used to before. We have seen each other fail, grow, get hurt and become a major success but we are still together.

Now, it's time for you to step out of your shell and live the life that you have always wanted to have. I bid you farewell and I wish you the best of luck. I might just say to myself and remind myself that you will be only far from me in distance but not in my heart.

I love you bestfriend!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Touched My Soul to the Core

While having a lazy Sunday because me and my baby wasn't able to go to church with his father - who's a long time accompanist in Luna UCCP, we opted to watch cartoons while lying in our sofa with our arms around each other. Yes, watching cartoons is our bonding time and sometimes, I find myself the only one who's watching the TV while he's playing around with his toys at tow.

But he also loves to watch videos on youtube and while I was browsing my facebook, I get to check out a video which is about God / Jesus. The messages in the videos were really great and one thing that made my baby Kael watch it is because it is animated. 

We were down to the 4th video watching videos while the TV is still running. I said to myself, whoa! They really got me into this and made me ponder and think about God and pray and say thanks that even if I was not able to go to church. I still found some ways to worship Him, to glorify Him in my mind.

While doing this deep thinking, I suddenly realized that it's time for lunch and I have to make one ASAP. But then, down to this last video, I was caught and realized that Kael was engrossed in what we are currently watching. I was touched by the videos that I watch. 

When I was about to break our warm embrace, I realized that Kael was teary-eyed. What??? A 3-year old boy is touched with this video clip??? Then, he started crying. Then that was it, it looks like he never wanted to stop crying at all. Now, he has those big sobs that looks like I spanked him or we got into a big fight.

He said, "Jesus... Luoy..." which means that he cried because he felt sorry for Jesus in the video clip and that Jesus was sleeping in the tent.

What a day!

God, I can say, you sent me an angel. Right here beside me. Thank you for this glorifying day and thank you so much for everything.....

Friday, August 31, 2012

7.9 Magnitude of Earthquake Hit the Philippines

It was the first time that me and the rest of my family - BB, Kael and me experienced a very strong earthquake. I thought I was just nauseating but when the movement became consistent for more minutes, I panicked.

It was the strongest earthquake that I have experienced ever since.

It was really alarming and makes me think of different things that I don't want to think about...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

3 Years in a Row - Grandslam!

Today, July 18, 2012 is our 3rd year wedding anniversary but we have been friends, lover, enemy, best of friends, a brother and a sister to each other, guiding light, disciplinarian, partner in crime, boyfriend, ex-boyfriend and now, for 3 years, my husband. 

Many doesn't know that my parents are both not positive about having a relationship with Dave, Kerwin, Bebsmer, Bbboi, Berdin and BB to me because of so many reasons that I don't wish to enumerate. BUT, they were more than ++++ positive to make him marry me or the other way around. Of course, the norms are changing as we are adapting the liberated type of society and most couple that accidentally got pregnant does not opt for marriage as a solution or the next option. Unfortunately, we are not one of them. My father had a great traditional factors etched in him that is why, he was the one who forced (?) for this marriage. Yes, we did got married 2 days after my mom's birthday. It wasn't well thought of, as for me and BB because we both know that we are not mature enough to undertake this new stage of marriage, of being husband and wife and being a legit mother and father to our son. We were both not ready for marriage and that is the truth. At that time, we were still adjusting in the new situation, new environment, new person added to our lives - Kael, and getting married is not on our list of options. He was still studying and I went back to school after I got pregnant. For me, marriage was not the answer but Papang didn't care. He gave an ultimatum that BB will not be welcome anymore in our house if he will not marry me. So, it was decided. Mama Berds and Papa Berds were also not ready for this idea but the both of them was the ones who took care of all the preparation needed for us to get married. Bb and I were just like paper dolls that went on through the process half-heartedly. We both know that we cannot support the family in the situation that we are both in, we are undergrads which means we still cannot find a job that will feed all of us. But Mama Berds and Papa Berds took care of it all. Not to mention that at that time, Ate Kate and Kuya Ading were also supporting the finances needed for this marriage. OH! I just owe you all a lot. 

I could never be grateful enough for those who had helped and continues to help us in all our endeavors and undertakings. We cannot do it without your guidance, love, support, wisdom and prayers. Yesterday, I was not able to fall asleep because maybe I was too excited for this day to come. I am so happy - more than happy actually for everything. This relationship is founded by God's grace and has been blessed throughout the years. We may not come from a perfect family, perfect life with perfect attitude and behavior towards life but we have been perfectly made for each other which makes me a living testament that this is all real. Life may not be good to you but you can turn things to the way you want it to be. 

This love has been the guiding light of our lives. This love has brought us to different emotions  which made us and has broken us but I never regret the day that I met you, the day that you caught my eye and the day that I have known you and said to myself that this person needs me in his life. Only to find out that I needed him more than he needed me. 

Today, as we commemorate this glorious day, I can remember the time of our lives when we were on the verge of our relationship and we almost lost faith in each other. 

We have been married for more than 3 years, in our thoughts, in our hearts, in our minds and in our soul. We have promised to each other to spend the rest of our lives together in each other's arms. Unofficially, we were married almost 7 years ago but we received the blessings of God and the church union on that fateful day. Long before the marriage is our promise to each other of always becoming the better half. The wedding is just an added bonus. Thank you Lord for everything. We could have not done it without you. Everything we owe it to you. We promise to love each other, understand each other and respect each other the best that we could. 

And to you my ever dearest loving husband, for being there for me all the time. I once thought that material things are precious gifts that should be given to each other when celebrating special days with each other but NO, these are all material and will fade away in due time and yet, LOVE is ETERNAL. What's the use of having material things if you do not have someone to share it with, and you don't have someone that will be true to you and love you for who you are? Thank you for being the best person and for being able to stand by me through the storm and through the happiest times in our lives.

Happy 3rd Wedding Anniversary!